Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's like loosing an old friend....

It's been over a week without the Internet, just returned yesterday. What did we do before we had the world wide web to surf, emails to check, news to follow, blogs and forums to keep up to date not to metion weather updates and many other things that we love to peruse each day? Did I get out and exercise more? maybe a little. I did get a veggie garden started and I did spray a lot of weeds around the garden and drive way. You know how you promise yourself that you will sort out your Documents folders and back up files,well that is another thing I decided to do with all the spare time. Ahhhhhhh this computer is so tidy now. I was talking to a bloke at work yesterday and I asked him if he had the Internet on at home. His answer was do these people survive, don't they know what they are missing out on??? Isn't it interesting to see the education of the masses as they learn how a computer works. Remember when computers started to be used at work and some folk took it all onboard with enthusism, and then there were the avoiders. They only used them for the bare basics, just the things they needed to do for work, record readings and type up the daily diary etc. Once the baby boomers have all died out will there be anyone who doesn't use the internet????

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