Wednesday, December 9, 2009

....discovering Alexander

Do I look like this man? According to my daughters certain features of his face are similar to mine. I think there is something about the features that are close. The forehead, even though mostly covered is a close match, and perhaps the mouth and chin. The first photo of this person, who is called Alexander, that I saw was a much older man, probably in his late 50's, around the same age as I am now. This is all I knew about my bilogical father, his name, that he was a musician, and that he had 4 children. I knew the names of the 4 children and it was from this information that I managed to trace the family, my half relatives of Alexander.

About 12 months ago I did a search on White Pages for one of the 4 children, his name was Don, who as it turned out, my half brother. I did make the phone call recently and unfortunately Don had since passed away, but one of his sons, Tony, answered the telphone.......amazing. Talking to the Tony on the phone, my half nephew, he went on to tell me that he had heard about me, but no one in the family knew what had happend to me, all those years ago.

Tony told me to ring his sister Sue as she had more information, turns out that they thought I was living in Mount Gambier, and of a different name.

As it turns out there are 9 children in the family, all children of the half brother Don.

A few more phone calls and searches on Face Book allowed me to connect with several of the siblings of Don and his wife Moreen.

It has been a wonderful discovery, every now and then a new relative will connect via Face Book, even down to the next generation.

I have yet to meet some of my new family, but already I feel very welcome into the new extended family. Hopefully in the next couple of months I will get to meet some of the new relatives.......exciting times ahead.

Don't let anyone tell you that Face Book is a trivial social experiment, to me it has been a terrific tool of discovery.