Last week I was sitting out the front of the house having a cuppa with my faithfull cat Rosie. It was right at the end of winter, spring was only a few days away. Out in the front paddock was a pair of Magpies being very agitated about something that I could not see. They were swooping and cursing at something behind the wood heap. I suddenly realised that they must be trying to protect something, and my senses sparked up. In between the squarking by the swooping maggies I could hear a faint sound of new birds in a nest. Near the house is 2 large pine trees and the sound was coming from the very top of one of the huge trees. So yes they were probably the family that the parents were trying to protect. I put my coffee down and walked towards the wood heap, the closer I got the better view of the commotion was to be had. A few metres from the heap, I suddenly spotted a neighbours cat being the recipient of the constant attack. Until I appeared the cat was ignoring the threats from the 2 birds. Just then the cat spotted me, and turned and sprinted off towards the fence. I shouted out some loud shooing sounds to help the cat along. The two Magpies realised that I was helping them and they calmed down and silently thanked me for the intervention. Since then I have listened daily for the screeching young birds in the nest. I have looked at the top of the pine tree with binoculars, only to see the bottom of the sturdy nest wedged in the fork of the tree. I thought I would keep an eye on the family and report on proceedings. Today, about a week later from the cat incident, it's very windy outside and the nest is swaying in the strong breeze. I haven't spotted the parents anywhere close to the tree today. I hope they are okay, and that they haven't decided to abandon the nest. Stay tuned.
UPDATE:- Last night I heard the Mum and Dad Magpies calling, but they normally do this on a full moon night. This morning when I opened the front door, I could hear the baby birds chirping. I have also seen a parent flying away from the nest tree, so all is well so far.
UPDATE:- It's been over a week and the chicks are growing, well at least they sound like they are. They are more vocal and call out much louder. Mum and Dad are very aggressive to any concieved threats. I saw them chase off a hawk that circling around the nest tree. I am looking forward to seeing the young ones out of the nest and sitting on the branches, flexing their wings. Maybe I will be able to get a picture as well.
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